Monday, May 11, 2009


I love night, especially deep night. Quiet and deep. when you move your eyes to the dark night sky, you feel that the black keeps spreading, there seems to be no end, everything is covered by the dark black. Everything fades from the colourful cover in the day, everything becomes black, everything looks full of mistery.

I fear night, too. When I was a little boy, I didn't dare to come out alone in the night, everything is so quiet, which made me so afraid. I fear that the wild cat who suddenly jumped out, I fear the ghosts in our legend came out and hurt me. I dared not to speak, my nerve is highly intensive, I wanted to run away from the dark and rushed into my home where the lights made the house in the evening as bright as that in the day.

I also feel scared in the lonely night sometimes now. A big house, only me in there. I feel myself like a little rabbit, trembling in the dark room and can't get into sleep because of the feeling of longliness and fear. I sometimes tell myself: you are a big boy now, be brave and act like a grown-up man. But sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


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